Sunday, September 1, 2013

I Am Not A Camel

A little factoid about me, I have something called Medullary Sponge Kidneys, I won't go into detail, but it basically means that I have a greater tendency to collect kidney stones. I have fought with them, off and on, for the past 6+ years and it seems to be getting worse.

I've done many tests and the doctors have all told me to "just drink more water." *sigh* In an effort to get it under control, I committed to 3 weeks of a Camelback a day, which is two liters of water. First off, I failed the challenge, because after about 2 weeks I got tired of filling up the camelback every day and having half of it pour out the tube. I did have some success though, and have managed to get *at least* 64 oz (2 liters) a day, usually I try to be closer to 80 oz. I have to space it out, because the idea is to keep things diluted so that stones can't form in the first place. I have no idea if it's working, but I'm hoping I see improvements by my next appointment in 6 months. 

I'm not a camel, but I wish I were, drinking water is hard. Especially if it's a busy day with the kids, I so easily forget. However, I am deeply motivated by the intense pain of having a kidney stone pass. For me, it was more painful than labor and I usually have to call for help with the kids, as I curl up in a ball on the floor. Not fun. I'm ready to fight with lots of praying and lots and lots of water!

(iPhone 5)

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