Friday, December 6, 2013

Raising Up One

I have news for you! You know that project I hinted to you about a couple of months ago?! Well, this is it! 

Let me tell you about it.

First, after we decided that we'd like to adopt #4, my heart has opened up to all the children in need out there. While we're still undecided on the route and have the whole thing on hold, many people are in the thick of adoption fundraising.

I have seen many creative ways of fundraising, but it can be a lot of work and stressful for families who simply have a heart to help a child. And even if fundraising is coming easy, sometimes it's nice for people to know what you're doing and to just pray for you! 

There are already fundraising sites and blogs out there, but they either get lost in the crowd or are work to maintain. That's where Raising Up One comes in! 

For one month we will "raise up" one family and give them a slick post with photos, bio/interview, and a link for direct donations. In addition we'll feature artist who've donated work and auction off their art. It's supposed to be a fun time dedicated to helping these sacrificial people. 

There will be a free art print download with each donation, as an incentive, and other fun things. 

Currently I'm recruiting families to get on my featured list. If you are raising funds for adoption or know of someone who is, please follow this link or email us at! Otherwise,please share!