Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Good Fight

I've been following the journey of a young pastor, husband, and daddy, who is currently imprisoned in an Iranian prison. Maybe you've heard of him, Saeed Abedini? He's been beaten, mistreated, and refused a shorter sentence, which is currently 8 years. 

He was in Iran helping to build an orphanage when he was arrested and falsely accused of participating in illegal evangelism. If that isn't bad enough, he's an American citizen, but our government has not tried to save him yet.

My heart aches for him and his family. 

To further my sadness, his case has had little publicity. Even with social media booming there has been little attention to his name.

After reading this I almost lost it, two little girls wanted a puppy, their parents said "Sure, if you can get 1 million likes on Facebook (thinking it'd never happen)". Within 13 hours the girls had *two* million likes on Facebook for a photo stating the challenge. They were on the news hours after.

That, and yet, Saeed has a mere 620,000 online signatures on his petition for release, from a foreign and dangerous prison, and it's been nearly a year. This man needs more care from from his country and certainly more prayers.

Sharing this is just one small way I could help. I can't save him, but maybe together, by God's grace, *we* can. 
 If you'd like to sign the petition to save Saeed, go to

Pray. Sign. Share. Save Saeed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I've heard his wife interviewed and it broke my heart. Hopefully blogs like this will help stir our government.
