Monday, September 23, 2013


-Alice in Wonderland

(iPhone 5)

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My husband's job has been a bit stressful lately, so I suggested that he plan a weekend to get away from everything. He was sweet enough to invite me along and my parents kindly watched our 3 gems while we were away. 

We journeyed to the White Mountains of Arizona, where we pitched a tent, then moved the tent, and got it up again just in time for it to hail. After a day and conflicting weather reports, we decided to move ourselves to a hotel room for the duration of the weekend getaway, to avoid packing up soggy gear. 

Thankfully, none of that really mattered, it wasn't our plan, but it was an adventure. We had a blast just being together and doing things other than sitting through pointless meetings or changing poopy diapers. 

I truly couldn't ask for a more perfect partner in life. We know how to read each other, when to sit in silence, and when to breath out the stresses of life to one another. Jacob is the kind of man who says "YOU are my bucket list" and stops for nearly 30 minutes while I walk down the highway to snap photos of a field of wildflowers. 

I'm definitely a mountain girl and wildflowers are like my happy drug. It was such a gift from above to be able to spend a weekend snapping pictures of something other than people. As much as I love people, my little people to be specific, sometimes it's nice to practice on subjects that don't throw tantrums. ;)

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Finding texture.


After a cold night with lots of rain, we woke up to the sun and this view. His mercies are surely new every morning!

I was in love with these diamonds, I mean dew drops.

It's especially wonderful to be surprised when looking back at your photos. Hello little spider web!

Lassoing Light.

The following are from my iPhone 5 >>

*Please do not copy unless you ask permission first 

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